All around the world people believe that some phenomenon can foretell the future or it brings a divine message from God. This phenomenon is called Omens. In ancient times people commonly believed in Omens and still believed by some today. There are good and bad omens and it\’s different for each culture. For example, in some eastern cultures, it is auspicious to witness a pot full of water in the morning, and in some western cultures viewing one’s doppelganger is believed to be a bad omen.
According to some spiritual researchers, Omens can be categorized as follows:
- Animal Omens
In many cultures, especially in witchcraft, it is believed that animals indicate events that going to happen. Experts can tell the meaning of the animal omens based on the behavior pattern, number of animals, etc.
- Bird Omens
For centuries, it believes that birds as an omen and specific types of birds represent different aspects of magical predictions. Especially Ravens.
- Weather Omens
In ancient times, significant changes in the weather is considered omens. It’s believed that skilled spiritual practitioners can foretell future events based on the changes in weather.
- Other Natural Omens
There are some omens found in nature that we can identify only by keen observation and experience. For example, the sight of insects, objects, temperature changes are either an omen or maybe not.
- Household omens
All around the world household items are also a part of Omens. For example, the sight of brooms, spill salt on the floor is believed to be omens.
Now Let’s see some Omens and their meanings. Note that the Omens given below is different for each culture so, it\’s only by your own experience you can tell that it’s a good or bad omen
- Owl: Is seen as bad omens and bringer of death in some part of Africa but they are figures of wisdom in European cultures.
- Spider: Seen as a good omen and sight of spiders were omens for a friend either from past or closed to.
- Cat: The sight of cats is different not only in culture but also according to their color. White cats symbolize a change in romantic affairs. Orange cats represent your spiritual life. Black cats symbolize a change of luck and wisdom.
- Crow / Raven: Crows are believed to bring bad luck and dark magic. Sometimes it’s true but the real meaning of seeing a crow is that truth is going to reveal to you soon it may be a good or bad one. Also, it’s a divine confirmation that you are now ready.
- Dead Birds: If you have seen a dead bird don’t think it is a bad omen. Sight of dead bird represents metaphysical death or change. It symbolizes a new beginning.
- A broken or not working clock: A broken clock or a clock stop working is considered a bad omen. It symbolizes bad luck is coming or death.
- Bells: Symbolizes peace. It represents that negative vibes around you will leave you soon.
- Dogs: The behavior characteristics of dogs determine whether it is a good or bad omen. A dog’s howl in the silence of the night is an omen of death. When a dog follows you, it is a sign of good luck.
- Find money on the ground: When you walk on the streets and you saw a coin on the ground then it means good luck and abundance on your way.
- Shooting star: The sight of a shooting star is a sign of good luck and it means that desirable things going to come in your life and your goals will accomplish.
There are many omens and we will update the list soon.