Do Magic Spells Work?


Each day we receive lots of enquiry about magic spells. Most of the enquiry is like, is magic spells really work? Why the didn’t the spell work form me? Etc. So, today in this article will clear all your doubts about magic spells.

There are many things that makes a spell work properly. Some of them are as follows:

  • The proper moon phase for the spell.
  • Proper planetary Hours and the Day to execute the spell.
  • Proper ingredients and tools needed for the spell.
  • The mental state, experience, strong belief and the magical energy built up by the practitioner.
  • The will of the universe.
  • The proper spell.
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The proper moon phase for the spell: For most of the spells moon phases plays an important role to success. You may think why moon? There is Sun that major reason to make earth a planet suitable for living. But when it comes to spell casting moon plays the key role. This is because the moon influences the energy and mental state of the humans than the sun. You may see that people’s mood changes into next level when there is full moon. So, it is very important to choose a proper moon phase for your spell work. Moon phases and the type of the spells which can perform as follows.

  • New Moon: New moon is perfect to do cleansing rituals and spells. This phase is also good to set intentions and create new spells.
  • Waxing Moon: When you are in this moon phase you can perform spells, which cause manifestation and changes in you and the nature around you.
  • Full Moon: When its full moon, you can do charging spells, success spells, power spells.
  • Waning Moon: This moon phase is the perfect time to perform banishing and removal spells.
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Proper planetary Hours and the Day to execute the spell: For every spell there will be a perfect planetary hour and Day to execute it. The amount of the magical energy generates to manifest the results will be very high in that particular hour and day. So, before you cast a spell it is good to know the following:

  • The planet which associated for the spell or the type of spell you are going to cast.
  • The hour in the day which the planet associated with.
  • To know how to calculate the daylight planetary hours.
  • To calculate the nighttime planetary hours.
  • Knowledge about the Chaldean order.
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Proper ingredients and tools needed for the spell: So, you calculated the planetary hours and you found the moon phase for the spell and now it is time to collect the proper ingredients and tools to execute the magic spell. You should make sure that you have the all ingredients and tools to perform the spell. Most of the time you may need colored candles, herbs, dolls etc. Make sure you have it.

The mental state, experience, strong belief and the magical energy built up by the practitioner: This is a very important point. 90 percentage success rates of your spell casting are depending on you. You are the main ingredient in a spell. First you should have experience in the spiritual arts. For that you should learn and practice regularly to understand how spell works and where to make changes to attain success this only comes from experience. The magical energy built up by the practitioner is another important thing. The amount of energy you applied to the particular spell will act as an activator for the spell. So, while you practice spiritual arts you will automatically gain magical energy. Rituals like LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of Pentagram) is one of the examples which help you to raise your magical energy.

The mental state and strong belief in magic is somehow interconnected because first you have to believe in magic and believe the spell you are going to perform is already manifested and the universe is ready to send the results. You won’t get the desired results if you do magic with doubts like, is it going to work? Also, the mental state at the time of the spell casting is important. For example, if you going to perform love spell, you have to build the feeling of love and care.

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The will of the universe: Even though you follow all the results above, it is up to the universe to decide when to show the results. Sometimes the spell will show results in days and sometimes it will take months.

The proper spell: Now it is time to find a proper spell. There are many spells available in the internet but unfortunately most of them are not real spells. So, how you can find a real spell? There is no easy way to find a real spell. If you are a practitioner then you have to experiment with different spells and find one that going to work for you. If you are a normal person who believes in the power of magic, then you can contact us to get a free spell casting and spiritual consultation. Click the link below yo request a free spell casting service


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